Ladies BBQ 2
12 September 2024

After the dreadful atrocious agonizing and stressful mock test the ladies decided to do a bbq. The idea to do a bbq was already suggested by aahil before mocks, but when the ladies did the bbq aahil was in ihavandhland sadly and yaanim also didn’t go for unknown reason vry sad :( . Better luck next time aahil. The idea to bbq was planned within 15 minutes after playing badminton one day.

The plan was simple which was to cook at aduhelms house after asr. And to bbq some chicken drumsticks and sausages later that night right after isha at WDC and to devour the noodles with the chicken drumsticks and sausages.

Everything was going according to plan and very smoothly. Other than raisin deciding to eat a mirus which to his suprise it was very spicy ( aftermath of him eating the mirus is provided below ) The noodles was cooked and we werre excited for the bbq. But things took an unexpected turn as it rained during isha prayer and rain & bbq dont go welll together if u lack the brain cells. Funy thing is that yaseen predicted that it might rain ( screenshots provided below ). He was right it did rain but only for about 10 minutes thankfully. Things were back to normal and we headed to WDC as planned.

We started the fire which was easier than usual. Some speculated that this was due to the self elected fire leader which was aahil not being there. The fire did go out a couple times but there was no need to worry, as the fire benders (amin and aduhelm) brought the fire back with zero effort. With the fire being sustained the bbq went well and all the ladies ate till they were pregnant. Some chicken drumsticks remained which raising took home for some protein. Hope u enjoyed this article i wrote instead of studying like i should be which im suprised if u read it this far and im sure the CAE students had a tough time reading this garbage of a writing. Insha Allah we will do another ladies bbq or class bbq.